Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Internet and Communications in Business Management-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInternet and Communications in Business Management. Answer: Introduction Social media is the dimension that reshapes the entire system of how people access information, picturize a particular product or service, and how people take part in the exchange of information. Deloitte has been able to grasp the complex system of the influence of social media on different sector of the society like education, marketing and advertisement and even to achieve the perfect collaboration in non-profit organizations (Goetsch Davis, 2014). As far as Deloitte is concerned with the strategic usage of social media, it has been able to enrich its existing brand image by providing the consumers with an interface on which they can interact and exchange information. Owing to the fact that social media changes the entire physical entity that evaluates peoples perception of colors, images which ultimately influence how the consumers are receiving the entire information. Deloitte like many other successful business set-ups has been successful in building up a strong presence in so cial media that has the power to facilitate many-to-many, one-to-one networking online and enhanced its marketing strategy with the several advantageous aspects of the media like the concept of file sharing, and network structuring. Discussion What facilitated the popularity of Deloittes social media interaction and engagement is the fact that it allowed the customers to interact in a more candid manner against the backdrop of the brand Deloitte that further strengthened the image of the company. As far as internal organization of Deloitte is concerned it has also spared adequate attention to keep their employees motivated and therefore has devised strategies to incorporate social media in internal communication. With the support of application developers Deloitte has also been able to make use of apps especially tailored to suit the companys needs and preferences (Goetsch Davis, 2014). The platform has allowed the employees to engage themselves into conversation at the most grassroots level. As Deloitte deals extensively with finance and data, it has the responsibility to maintain much more secured social media campaign that would not consequent in data breach or disclosure of sensitive data do not take place (Stieglitz et al., 2014). Therefore, at this juncture Deloitte has launched a rather effective internal communication system The concept of social media and internal communication at Deloitte Deloitte has successfully demonstrated the strength of internal communication and its potential impact on the employees. The internal social media communication has led to an effective collaboration between the different departments, increasing the employees knowledge regarding the organization. As per data social media would be responsible for enhancing the overall performance of any business organization in the upcoming years (Coombs Holladay, 2018). Deloittes social media usage for the purpose of internal organizational communication is largely depended on three core areas which are content development, social interaction and improved technology which allows the data and content to be solely accessed by the employees of the organization. How Deloitte has been able to change the communication system within the organizational structure is by the thorough management of messages, important files, links and pdf accessed or edited by any employees working in the organization. This has enabled in achieving a thorough authentication of the employee access, and assurance that not unauthenticated third party users are accessing the important files of the company. According to the opinion of Grajales III et al., (2014) Deloitte has gained the utmost commitment of the employees in achieving the corporate objectives that Deloitte has set for itself. Over the years, the effective internal communicational process that Deloitte has ensured with the help of social media has enabled them to communicate organization issues in order to solve them in a simplified manner, share organizational insights that would assure greater efficiency in organizational operation amongst the different departments. Market analysts have also provided a di rectly proportional relationship with social media internal communication and employee engagement with the organization since it brings together people on a common ideological platform of the organization (Tuten Solomon, 2017). This particularly contributes to employee participation achieved with the help of tools like wikis, blog posts, forums, microblogs, activity feeds and file repositories has improved the entire experience of social media based internal communication system (Coombs Holladay, 2018). One of the many advantageous facet of social media based internal communication is the fact that it allocate for is the extensive environment of debate and conversation via which they are able to keep the company ahead in the market with an awareness regarding the changing trends in the market. It could serve as unique platform where Deloitte with the help of extensive measures can bring together employees belonging from different background and exchange different perspectives regarding Deloitte (Archer-Brown Kietzmann, 2018). However it additionally has the disadvantage of conflict amongst employees who possess different viewpoints and ideas regarding the same. This uncertainties and conflicts can however be avoided if the company is providing adequate amount of training to the employees that would help them to align their skills and objectives with Deloittes (Moreno et al., 2015). With the entire phenomenon of social media usage for the benefit and acceleration of internal communi cation there are certain risks associated as far the opinions of market researchers are concerned. Deloitte should be able to spare attention whether the process of a smoothened internal communication is reducing employee productivity or making them less direct or shying them away from confrontations unless and until they are taking place virtually. This would necessarily have a deep impact on the overall organizational behavior of Deloitte. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that successful implementation of social media for a more professional usage by Deloitte can only be achieved if it is culture-oriented and with an awareness program amongst the employees regarding the core values of the entire process. The employees should be assessed in such a manner as to assure they are not misguided by the medium. It can be firmly asserted that Deloitte should be focused whether employees are utilizing social media as a backbone for improving their work, implementing new strategies and ideas and using as a means to provide new insights on the operations of Deloitte. Recommendations Deloitte should be aware of the possible risks of spamming on company information and data as well as identity threat. It can therefore implement strategies like hiring data security experts and implanting a SPAM filter that can automatically detect blank senders and viruses (Moreno et al., 2015). Training programs regarding ethical issues and policies of data sharing and penalties should be provided to the employees from beforehand. The company should also ensure that all the information are kept transparent within the employees. The employees should also be provided with extensive training regarding the case of data loss and its possible prevention, password protection methods and therefore bringing a degree of clarity on the entire process of communication. Deloitte apart from emphasizing on the consistency of social media for sharing information should also make space for a platform where different employees will be able to share creative ideas relevant to the departments. This will not only provide a space for the blooming of merit but also motivate the other employees to contribute with their share of inventive ideas that would help in the operational process of Deloitte (Tuten Solomon, 2017). Reference List: Archer-Brown, C., Kietzmann, J. (2018). 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