Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Musics Effect on Intelligence Essay - 1194 Words

Musics Effect on Intelligence Music is said to affect the intellect of humans in several different ways. Specifically, it is said to affect infants more than any other age group. Music can improve learning skills, test taking skills, concentration, heartbeat, and relaxation. Music has been proven to offer several benefits for infants, young children, young adults, as well as for adults. With all of this in mind, how can one connect music with intellect? Many recent research studies focus on theoretically proving the way in which music improves cognitive thinking. These studies show that early learning experiences determine which neurons will connect with other neurons and which ones will die off. Connections between neurons†¦show more content†¦Children with severe learning deficiencies can benefit from constant music exposure. A study was done on a seven-year-old girl with an autistic condition, which caused her to use gestures and occasional words instead of full sentences. After enrolling in a program that inter-related piano playing with speaking, the young girls speaking ability improved remarkably. Alhough music is significantly valuable for children with learning disabilities, it still has many benefits to those adolescents with average cognitive capabilities. In 1994, scientists conducted an experiment using three groups of preschoolers. One group received private piano and keyboard lessons; the second group received private computer lessons; and the third group received no training at all. After four months, the children who received piano and keyboard lessons scored 34% higher on abstract reasoning tests than the other pupils. This test reinforces the idea that music can have a great impact on the intelligence of adolescents. Music also offers several advantages for college students. College students were given standard tests of reasoning and were exposed to three different types of music, each for a span of ten minutes. 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